Friday, September 25, 2015

So Many Assets to Make

I have to be honest with you. Making all my own assets without having to wait for or rely on someone else is liberating. On the other hand, I find creating graphic assets enjoyable only in small bursts. Doing it for hours on end is extremely grueling, and it's slowing me down a bit.

To be fair, I did have many many assets done fairly early, and then decided they weren't good enough and went back to add details to all of them, which is where I am now.

This is one of the suburban houses Arpy will be passing in the main level. Assets like this one are lined up randomly to make up the front layer of a parallax. After I made it and several others, I went back to coding and testing mechanics in the first level. Actually playing the game really pointed out how plain the background assets were looking, so I went back, and made this next one:
Much better, and also much more time than I intended spending on scenery.
This ugly old storefront also got an upgrade:

Here are some of the other scenery assets I've created. Not all of them are done being detailed:

I've got a ways to go. Street level is starting to look nice, but so far I've only got the suburbs, downtown and park done. I'm currently working on university campus and have yet to do assets for mall and bus depot. And that's all just background. I still need a gym building, some dumpsters to hide in, stacks of things to knock over like trash cans and shopping carts, and the level still needs small decorative objects like fire hydrants, street lights, signs etc

It looks like I'll be stuck tinkering in Inkscape for a while yet.

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