Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Flame

I just finished writing the design document and finally have a clear idea of what Arpy will be doing, and why. Here's an excerpt from the Back Story section:

Arpy doesn’t have much drive or ambition. His goal in life, what really makes him happy, is to relax at home, eat tasty delivered food, watch TV and play video games. He views his life as fulfilled. But, those pesky friends and relatives always insist he go out more, do more things, experience the outside world. What could the outside world possibly have that can’t be seen on TV? What activities outside could there possibly be that won’t force him to stand up and get all tired and sweaty? No, Arpy wants to stay right here in his chair and do what he loves.
            When his friends and relatives decide to take his life into their hands, he is forced to fight to preserve his precious lazy way of life. But, not if that means standing up and going out. Oh, what to do?! The solution, rocket thrusters for Arpy’s reclined, of course! Now, Arpy can track down the kidnapped pizza delivery guy, retrieve his stolen remote control or escape to avoid pesky relatives all from the comfort of his favorite chair. His family has taken up the fight, and Arpy is not rising, but meeting the challenge nonetheless.

 Arpy will be faced with his well-meaning relatives hiding his remote, staging interventions, saddling him with fitness instructions, nutrition consultants and vegans, kidnapping the pizza delivery guy and even hijacking his favorite game studio.

Now that Arpy has something to do, and I have a blueprint in form of a design document, I can start creating assets. Here's a concept of what his living room, which is the entry point to all levels might look like.
I've also messed around with some platform ideas

Stay tuned.

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